Monday, January 10, 2011

Zero for Two

Last week my mileage total was 8 miles and I spent 1 hour on the Wii. This week I want to do 10 miles and 4 hours on the Wii. We are suppose to get a Nor'easter this week so I may have to supplement shoveling for some of the Wii time (I still have a house and child to take care of).

Today I decided to go to the Fanueil Hall area (2 miles round trip) to stop into Crate & Barrel. I love kitchen gadgets, and Crate & Barrel is one of my favorite stores to browse.  However, it was just my luck that the Crate & Barrel was gone. I kinda remember now that my friend was mentioning that it was going out a few months back. I'm zero for two in the favorite store category. I guess I need to get out more. The good news is there is another Crate & Barrel in the Copley area, which will be a 2.5 mile walk for another day. On the way back I stopped at Borders, where I found a book for the little man. He likes books that he can interact with that have flaps, pull taps, or wheels. So, I got him an animal noise flap book conveniently on clearance.  I have been slacking on reading to him before bed the last couple of weeks, and a new book is just what we need to get us back on track.